Friday, March 2, 2012


2 March 2012

 Resurrect Dead: The Mystery of the Toynbee Tiles (2001) - Directed by Jon Foy
A couple days ago I watched this interesting mystery film documentary called: Resurrect Dead.
The whole idea of this film is there is a mysterious man who has put up tiles all around the world with a strange message:

Toynbee Idea
In Kubrick's 2001
Ressurect Dead
On Planet Jupiter

Yeah WTF?! Right?
At least one of you reading this right now might be wondering to yourself, "How did I hear about this film?" Well I listen to a podcast called The Film Vault, like it's title they talk about the most fascinating subject in the world...that is to me. You guessed it: FILM! Anyway, so this Guy named Anderson (the more transgressive and unpredictable one; AKA: My favorite podcast host) mentioned seeing these tiles somewhere and being fascinated by them and wanting to know what they were all about. So I hit the iTunes and checked it out.
While I don't agree with Anderson about this movie being one of the best of the year, I gotta say it was pretty interesting, but I can't really say much without getting into spoiler territory:

You HAVE BEEN warned!

Ok so turns out it' guessed it. A crazy guy with a botched theory. Unfortunately you never get to see a guy, but the film ends with an animated monologue of a possible encounter, but the identity of the  is overall ambiguous. A part of me wanted to clap, another part of me was frustrated with this ending. I was expecting to meet the guy. I guess some people really do hide in the shadows, and the filmmakers respected the originators wishes of secrecy, but as a documentary it felt incomplete. They solved the Toynbee mystery, but I was more interested in the man behind the tiles. I'm hoping they make a sequel, but my guess is: Case Closed.

 End of Spoilers:

 Anybody who loved 2001 or likes docs about conspiracy theories. Check it out. While it didn't captivate me like Man on Wire or The Cove, I found it good enough to keep my attention.
Overall I give the film a 69% out of 100%. (Note: I feel a 100 percent scale allows films to be judge a bit more harshly.)

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